In the information age, the internet has penetrated into various aspects of people's lives and become an important component of the information age. Among them, IP proxy pools play a crucial role in network applications, including but not limited to web crawlers, data collection and analysis, brand promotion, and other unique businesses. In this article, we will teach readers how to use static residential IP to build an exclusive IP proxy pool.

Static residential IP judgment indicators

Safe and stable

Static residential IP addresses do not change frequently. Compared to dynamic residential IP, static residential IP supports a stable internet environment, improving user work efficiency and internet experience.

High speed access

By deploying high-performance distributed proxy servers, static residential IPs can establish stable communication channels, achieve fast network connections, and short request response times.

geographical position

The selection of static residential IP geographical location needs to meet the needs of proxy usage. If the website you want to access is in the United States, but the selected proxy IP location is in the United Kingdom, it will lead to longer access time and also face the possibility of increased network risks.


Building a static residential IP proxy pool

Select IP proxy

IP proxy service providers support static residential IP services, ISPKEY overseas agents, high-quality overseas residential IP resources, global network coverage, and meet the needs of users in various scenarios.

Building an IP proxy pool

After obtaining the proxy IP, it is necessary to store the obtained IP address locally or on a cloud server. This step usually involves database storage, such as general databases such as MySQL, or using in memory databases such as Redis for storage.


When using an IP proxy pool, programmers need to embed the proxy function into the code, use methods such as proxy, response, and request to embed the IP proxy pool into the code, manage the IP proxy pool, add, delete, modify, and query IP addresses to achieve data collection, website access, and other functions.


That's all for the introduction of this article. For more IP information, please look forward to the following text.

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